INTRODUCTION Stencils are an easy way to create decorations with high visual impact that have crisp edges. Stencils can be made from leaves, paper cutouts (use newspaper, manila paper or card stock) or plastic placemats. A resist method where paper cutouts, leaves, or plastic shapes are placed on the clay before applying coloured slip. When the stencil is removed, the areas masked by the stencil are the colour of the clay.
OPTION: Add Colour BEFORE Stenciling You can apply a background colour to the clay before using a stencil so the stenciled areas will be the background colour, instead of being white (the colour of the clay). It is necessary to wait until the background colour is no longer glossy and has a dull sheen before applying the stencil and next layer of slip (this could take over 45 minutes). This option is not shown in the stenciling video.
TIP: When to Apply Coloured Slip Decoration Coloured slip can be applied to the clay until it is leatherhard. Once it is past that point, slip will flake off.
NOTE: It may take some time for the videos to appear
Stencils are easier than transfers, so this is a good method to start with.
To fix a mistake in the coloured slip decoration, wait until the plate is leatherhard (or nearly there) and carve away the mistake. This may occur while the plate is still in the slump mold, or after removing it. Do not try to wipe away mistakes with a sponge. It will leave a smudge of colour that you might not see until after the glaze firing.